Cheats / CAOS Commands ** FIRST YOU HAVE TO GET CAOS ACTIVATED "ctrl" + "shift" + "c" UNTOUCHABLE GADGETS: enum 3 8 0 bhvr 0 next endm ENTER THE AMOUNT OF CREATURES ALLOWED IN THE WORLD: setv game "c3_max_creatures" ## setv game "c3_max_norns" ## PICK UP THE POWER UPS: enum 2 24 4 attr 199 next endm INSTANT VOCABULARY: targ norn vocb AGE THE NORN BY 1 LIFE STAGE: targ norn ages 1 MULTIPLE BIRTHS: Setv game "enging_multiple_birth_first_chance" 0.## setv game "engine_multiple_birth_subsequent_chance" 0.## |  |
WARNING!!! Entering in any CAOS commands can / will have an effect on your creatures game. You enter them at your own risk! |
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Tips ** HELPFUL KEY COMMANDS AND OTHER BITS OF INFORMATION! C3 and DS Wolfling run mode: ctrl + shift + w While in wolfling mode, for fast ticks: (ingame time goes faster) crtl + shift + f Switch between full screen and windows screen: alt + shift + enter DS ONLY! Create food: ctrl + shift + e find HoverDocs ctrl + shift + h